Ljudska univerza Ptuj (LUP) is a public institution for adult education. We are a modern, user-friendly adult education centre, professionally recognized, highly experienced with a rich mixture of programs for different target groups. With almost 100 years of experience in both formal and non-formal education, we are the leading adult education centre in the region. We were established by the Municipality of Ptuj for educational services, the implementation of which is in the public interest.
Adult education at the Public University of Ptuj consists of several areas, namely:
Education for obtaining an education (from primary school to including university education)
Non-formal public-valid educational programs (lifelong learning and publicly valid English and German courses),
Vocational training (eg. training for an accountant, forklift driver, social worker, website designer, confectioner textile, meat processing, project manager ),
Non-formal education (foreign language courses, computer courses, third age University programs, specialized courses for companies, training in administrative procedure law, communication skills…),
Involvement in public network in the field of adult education (counselling, evaluation of previously acquired competencies, Center for self-directed learning)
International projects (Erasmus +, Europe for Citizens, EEA and Norwegian Grants)
National projects:
Counselling and guidance in adult education
Social inclusion
Developing rural regions
Developing basic and professional competencies 45+
Family centre
Programmes for migrants
Our programs are implemented predominantly under the domain of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, and in the last years also under the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture.
Ljudska univerza Ptuj has the ability and equipment needed for the implementation of all proposed project activities. Amongst our expertise is research capabilities, consisting of needs analysis and state of the art research, as educators of adults we have a lot of experience in the preparation of different educational programs and modules for the implementation of skills. As project coordinators in other EU and national projects, we are experienced also in elaboration and validation activities, project management, financial management and dissemination actions. In the years 2008 – 2020 we were the leading organization for several projects on the field of lifelong education, ICT courses for seniors, workshops for the unemployed, EU study visits, activities for raising the level of literacy, workshops for younger people for motivating them to finish their education, different EU supported ERASMUS+.
There are 18 employees at Public University, but we engage more than 80 external experts each year. The number of participants varies between 1.500 and 2.500 every year.
LUP strives for excellence and try constantly to be innovative and creative, matching the needs and possibilities of the local environment with experience and up-to-date educational offer.
To disseminate new paths to knowledge for everyone, anytime, anywhere.
- Expertise, professionalism, quality, reputation, responsibility
- Efficiency, innovation, boldness, creativity
- Honesty, tolerance, reliability, respect
- Cosmopolitanism
Our mission is adult education and counselling. Using rich experience and expertise of our employees, we manage to motivate and monitor participants on their path to success, to encourage and make them believe in the importance of lifelong learning. We strive to offer a wide choice of programmes, depending on the current demand and taking into account future trends.
Video presentation of LUP